Lunch Break - High Level Motivation

Good morning and welcome to the Morning Coffee (due to timing it is the Lunch Break). We are going to dive in quickly so that you can get back on the computer and crush your day. We will be the mid day energy you need to push through.

We aren’t able to continue moving forward if you do not have high levels of motivation. Most of us end up stopping well before our end or capabilities. We stop because we lack a connection with our PURPOSE.

Connecting to our purpose allows us to be able to withstand obstacles, struggles, and low energy levels. Think about your career and tying it to your purpose. When you realize that you can steal so many things from the career and attach it to your purpose, your abilities rise. You look at how you can elevate, experiment, and make mistakes so that you can improve the process of learning and growth.

How can you tie what you want to accomplish 10-20 years from now with what you are doing now? What leadership lessons are you able to utilize? What relationships can you benefit from if you can help serve them or truly care about them as an individual? What disciplines can be created here to set you up for success later?

How will you tie your motivations with your purpose? How can you make one or two actions today that will help move your needle closer to who you want to be in 10-20 years?

Hope this serves you! God Bless