If you want to build a better relationship with your boss/leader/manager, you must gain their TRUST!


How do I do that? GET. STUFF. DONE. Do it on time, if not earlier. Do them in a manner that is with your best effort, with your best attitude.


By demonstrating that you can get stuff done, you build trust. Your boss/leader/manager knows that if they give you a task, you will no doubt make things happen. Over time, you gain clout that stands firm when you question or object. Your boss/leader/manager will know that the issue you raise will be founded on facts and not feelings. They will be more likely to listen.


The same thing will be with your performance with your teammates. Do you do little tasks that help them? Do you get their rebounds when they shoot? Do you pass to them when they shoot? Do you field their balls or throw extra batting practice in order to make their swing smoother? Do you listen to them when they are talking to you? Are you distracted and looking at another person walking in when having a conversation with them?


What are you doing to and with your teammates that will help build trust? Thus, resulting in a more positive relationship. Do you show up for them?